The full duration of the new Industry led MLP will be 20 full days within the training centre plus home study and is a full attendance course. This course will include your Non Domestic MLP Training, COCN1/CIGA/CORT/TPCP1 & TPCP1A Training and Assessments, books and certification.
You will need to build a portfolio of between 60 and 70 hours with a registered Gas Safe Engineer who will sign off your work, you will need arrange this yourself and must be arranged prior to enrolment.
Once this has been arranged you will then need to come in for a professional discussion, (initial advice and guidance) and collect your portfolio and pay a deposit of £300. The cost of the course will be £3424.50 + VAT after the initial deposit we do have an interest free payment plan for you to pay over the duration of your course.